Last Update: 2024-03-28 02:15:08
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) https://greenidge.com
Financial Services
Capital Markets
United States
Historical Returns*:
*Assumes dividends reinvested
Market Stats:
Market Capitalization($MM)
Enterprise Value($MM)
Daily Volume(MM)
Valuation Metrics:
Price/Earnings Ratio
Price/Sales Ratio
Price/Book Value
FCF Yield(%)
Dividend Yield(%)
Profitability Stats:
Operating Margin %(ttm)
Gross Profit %(ttm)
EBITDA Margin %(ttm)
Shareholder Value Creation:
Cost of Capital %(est)
ROIC %(ttm)
ROCE %(ttm)
Other Earnings and Cash Flow Stats:
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) Net Income TTM ($MM) is -180.63
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) Operating Income TTM ($MM) is -60.50
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) Owners' Earnings Annual ($MM) is 0.00
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) Current Price to Owners' Earnings ratio is 0.00
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) EBITDA TTM ($MM) is -35.64
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) EBITDA Margin is -28.68%
Capital Allocation:
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) has paid 0.00 dividends per share and bought back -3.0247 million shares in the past 12 months
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) has reduced its debt by 128.292 million USD in the last 12 months
Capital Structure:
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) Interest-bearing Debt ($MM) as of last quarter is 91
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) Annual Working Capital Investments ($MM) are -4
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) Book Value ($MM) as of last quarter is -66
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) Debt/Capital as of last quarter is -141%
Other Balance Sheet Stats:
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) has 10 million in cash on hand as of last quarter
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) has 35 million of liabilities due within 12 months, and long term debt 89 as of last quarter
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) has 7 common shares outstanding as of last quarter
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) has 0 million USD of preferred stock value
Academic Scores:
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) Altman Z-Score is -6.36 as of last quarter
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) Piotroski Score is 6.00 as of last quarter
Corporate Governance:
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) largest shareholder is Lazard Asset Management LLC owning 44 shares at 0.00 ($MM) value
Dale Irwin(an insider) Sold 5646 shares of Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) for the amount of $23600.28 on 2024-02-28
2.31% of Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) is held by insiders, and 17.55% is held by institutions
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) went public on 2021-09-14
Other Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) financial metrics:
Unlevered Free Cash Flow:-33.67
Operating Margin:-48.47
Gross Profit Margin:26.46
Div. Payout Ratio%:0.00
Div. Growth YoY%:0.00
Equity Return%:87.32
Buffet's Owners Earnings:0.00
Price to Owner's Earnings:0.00
About Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. ( GREE ) :
Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc. operates as an integrated cryptocurrency datacenter and power generation company. The company owns and operates cryptocurrency datacenters in New York and South Carolina. It also owns and operates a 106 MW nameplate natural gas power generation facility. The company was founded in 1937 and is headquartered in Dresden, New York.
User Content from Tickernomics. Created by Luminus.

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