Last Update: 2024-03-28 02:10:48
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) https://www.ultragenyx.com
United States
Historical Returns*:
*Assumes dividends reinvested
Market Stats:
Market Capitalization($MM)
Enterprise Value($MM)
Daily Volume(MM)
Valuation Metrics:
Price/Earnings Ratio
Price/Sales Ratio
Price/Book Value
FCF Yield(%)
Dividend Yield(%)
Profitability Stats:
Operating Margin %(ttm)
Gross Profit %(ttm)
EBITDA Margin %(ttm)
Shareholder Value Creation:
Cost of Capital %(est)
ROIC %(ttm)
ROCE %(ttm)
Other Earnings and Cash Flow Stats:
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) Net Income TTM ($MM) is -720.56
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) Operating Income TTM ($MM) is -669.90
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) Owners' Earnings Annual ($MM) is -352.66
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) Current Price to Owners' Earnings ratio is -10.61
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) EBITDA TTM ($MM) is -651.86
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) EBITDA Margin is -141.09%
Capital Allocation:
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) has paid 0.00 dividends per share and bought back -12.401365 million shares in the past 12 months
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) has increased its debt by 11.759 million USD in the last 12 months
Capital Structure:
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) Interest-bearing Debt ($MM) as of last quarter is 43
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) Annual Working Capital Investments ($MM) are 39
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) Book Value ($MM) as of last quarter is 275
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) Debt/Capital as of last quarter is 15%
Other Balance Sheet Stats:
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) has 213 million in cash on hand as of last quarter
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) has 280 million of liabilities due within 12 months, and long term debt 0 as of last quarter
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) has 82 common shares outstanding as of last quarter
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) has 0 million USD of preferred stock value
Academic Scores:
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) Altman Z-Score is -1.99 as of last quarter
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) Piotroski Score is 4.00 as of last quarter
Corporate Governance:
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) largest shareholder is Federated Hermes Inc owning 2446500 shares at 111.22 ($MM) value
Thomas Richard Kassberg(an insider) Sold 11509 shares of Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) for the amount of $574644.37 on 2024-03-11
4.67% of Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) is held by insiders, and 98.58% is held by institutions
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) went public on 2014-01-31
Other Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) financial metrics:
Unlevered Free Cash Flow:-682.99
Operating Margin:-147.98
Gross Profit Margin:88.79
Div. Payout Ratio%:0.00
Div. Growth YoY%:0.00
Equity Return%:-231.87
Buffet's Owners Earnings:-352.66
Price to Owner's Earnings:-10.61
About Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. ( RARE ) :
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, focuses on the identification, acquisition, development, and commercialization of novel products for the treatment of rare and ultra-rare genetic diseases in North America, Latin America, Japan, Europe, and internationally. Its biologic products include Crysvita (burosumab), an antibody targeting fibroblast growth factor 23 for the treatment of X-linked hypophosphatemia, as well as tumor-induced osteomalacia; Mepsevii, an enzyme replacement therapy for the treatment of children and adults with Mucopolysaccharidosis VII; Dojolvi for treating long-chain fatty acid oxidation disorders; and Evkeeza (evinacumab) for the treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. The company's products candidatures include DTX401, an adeno-associated virus 8 (AAV8) gene therapy clinical candidate for the treatment of patients with glycogen storage disease type Ia; DTX301, an AAV8 gene therapy for the treatment of patients with ornithine transcarbamylase; UX143, a human monoclonal antibody for the treatment of osteogenesis imperfecta; GTX-102, an antisense oligonucleotide for the treatment of Angelman syndrome; UX111 (ABO-102), an AAV9 gene therapy product candidate for the treatment of patients with Sanfilippo syndrome type A, or MPS IIIA, a rare lysosomal storage disease; UX701, for the treatment of Wilson disease; and UX053 for the treatment of glycogen storage disease type III. Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc. has collaboration and license agreement with Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.; Saint Louis University; Baylor Research Institute; REGENXBIO Inc.; Bayer Healthcare LLC; GeneTx; Mereo; University of Pennsylvania; Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc.; Solid Biosciences Inc.; Regeneron; Abeona; and Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd. The company was incorporated in 2010 and is headquartered in Novato, California.
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